Quest 89 Wiki
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"Hi, I'm Connor, and this is a story about my life. Now, I work on the mainland on the LNER railway. That stands for London Northern Eastern Raiway!"


British Railways (abbreviated as BR) is the main rail network in Great Britain.


British Railways starts at Barrow-in-Furness Station in England, and stretches all throughout the country. King's Cross Station is one of the railway's terminals.


The North Western Railway consists of several railway lines that interconnect to form one large railway that stretches from the east coast of Sodor all the way to the west coast. 

Main Lines[]

Branch Lines[]


The railway opened on January 1st in 1923. It covers the area north and east of London. It has numerous stations, shunting yards, ports and harbours, and quarries. Connor and Caitlin's passenger duties extend to one of the terminal's, King's Cross, from Barrow-in-Furness. Many engines from this railway came to Sodor, most of them being diesels. Some notable ones would be, Diesel, D199 and Andy.

Note: British Railways appears in every season in the form of the rails that characters travel on, so individual episode descriptions are unnecessary.

Rolling Stock[]



